The Legionnaires join in battle against their biggest foe yet: footnoting the first two issues of Legion of Three Worlds.
While Paul struggles to remain coherent, after participating, practically solo, in a 48 Hour Film Festival (he won, by the way!), Darren, Matt and Ric join him in digging into all of the little details of the exciting miniseries written by Geoff Johns, and illustrated in great, obsessive detail by George Perez.
Grab a glass of Silverale, kids, ’cause this one has more detail than Brainiac 5’s Masters Thesis!
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You did say I could comment on this or any episode.
I’m currently rereading Final Crisis and its affiliated one-shots and mini-series. Somehow I hadn’t realized that all the seeds of the Multiversity’s 52 worlds were planted here over six years ago.
I had never listened to your Lo3W podcasts, so I’m rectifying that now. Thankfully, your discussions of all five issues are still available for download.
Do you realize you spent over NINE HOURS dissecting just over 100 pages of comics?!? But so worth it: explanations of the variations in characters; ID’ing several villains (and I’m sorry to admit, a few heroes) that I could never identify; and keeping me clued in to the minutae contained in both Johns’s words and Perez’s pictures. And that’s only mentioning the first two issues; there’s still three more comics and seven hours of LoSP to look forward to.
Subs, thanks so much for giving me a richer experience of these books. LLL!
Explain to me how the Legion did know anything about Superboy – Prime ??
When the hologram of jimmy Olsen did know everything about Superboy – Prime
did should be didn’t. Sorry about the typo
I couldn’t figure out your email adress so i’ll post this here
My own private 5 years later.
5 years ago due to the corrupting influence of “super future friends” I decided to buy my first legion archive so i could read along. Then I quickly discovered your show. Under the influence of your podcast in conjuction with Geoff Johns Superman/legion work especially Legion of three worlds with the best comics artist ever George Perez i became a truly obsessed fan. I bought those beautiful l great darkness saga/ and curse trades plus eye for an eye and decided i simply had to see how the legion evolved from silver age goofiness (which i like) to 80’s comic awesomeness. I Set about the daunting task of collecting all the archives plus all the legion single issues that hadn’t been traded I even bought L.E.G.I.ON (which i loved and that awesome R.E.B.EL.S. Reboot) and 5 years later(confusing). I managed to read my way thru the archives and then thru the bronze age and all the way to the end of the levitz run. Ironically 5 years later was still confusing and i only started it before real world issues intervened and i was forced to drastically cut back my comics reading for the next 4 years.
Now 5 years later I am back to,listening to your podcast restarting at the start and reading along. I had to read the bronze age and levitz era in like 5 weeks so i didn’t have time to listen to an episode for each comic although i think back then you were only into the 70’s it may take me another 5 years to catch up to the present haha. however after only 3 weeks of listening my legion obsession is back with. vengeance and after re-reading LO3W yet again after listening to your epic annotations I decided to skip ahead and check out the 3boot legion.
Anyways i thought you’d like to know that your love for these characters is literally infectious keep up the great work. thanks for providing an excuse to re-read all my legion comics.
Long Live the Legion!