Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 29 – Fortune Is Not With Them.

The Ranzz boys (not twins @Derek) team up. The Dominators get hulked up. Ambassador Ardeen speaks. Plant Lad greens the city to help Brainiac 5 and his protege hideout. Cosmic Boy calls the retreat but forgets to follow his own orders. The issue is capped with a beautiful tribute to Legion costumer extraordinaire, Dave Cockrum.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 28 – Megatokyo is About to Explode!

The Ranzz siblings get a threeboot backstory and Mekt’s disappearance is explained.  Mon-el, Supergirl, Ultra Boy and Brainiac 5 smash lots of things including robots!  The narrative is told by Ayla, Mekt and Garth in a clever style as Waid links together the story from the perspective of the twins and their older brother.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 27 – … The Wanderers!

So many names to keep track of as another group of 31st century characters make themselves known.  The drinking game gets a workout as we meet Thoom, Supergirl and Mon-El crash through lots of walls, time is spent is Brainy’s shadowy lab, we get two reimagined Legion siblings and the credits page is invaded by a slew of unfamiliar silhouettes and a new slogan – “It’s time to show the Legion of Super-heroes who’s boss.”