The Subs take a look at the current DCU books, and talk about what they’re reading, what they like, what they don’t like and why! Also, Murray takes a stab at Stumping the Subs!
Month: January 2013
Episode 224 – Invisible Invaders
The Subs take a look at two Legion Stories from the early 70s. From July 1971, it’s the Invisible Invader, and from March 1972, War of the Wraith Mates!
Episode 223 – Costuming the Legion
The Subs are joined by costume maker Leman Yuen. Leman brings us tales from the trenches about con costumes and how one makes a Cosmic Boy bustier! They also dig into the backup story from Superboy 173, Trust Me or Kill Me, as Mordru returns to pester the Legion.
Episode 222 – Dinosaurs Rock the 31st Century
The Subs get into lively discussions about Lego, The Hobbit, and even some Legion stuff! We take a close look at Legion of Super Heroes 15, as Glorith and the Legion take on dinosaurs!