Darren and Paul dig into issue 52 of the Baxter Run, as the aftermath of Brainy’s trial begins to fall out. They discuss whether or not Polar Boy really WAS the worst Legion Leader ever, and who might challenge him for that title.
Month: June 2016
Episode 401 – The Trial of Brainiac Five
Darren and Paul take a look at the aftermath of the conspiracy as Polar Boy puts Brainiac 5 on trial. Then, six year old Ella French shares her opinions on Adventure Comics 247.
Episode 400 – Life and Death at the End of Time
Subs HQ hasn’t been this full in a long time. Darren, Matt, Scott and Paul are joined by Michael Grabois of the Legion Omnicom to dig deep into the climax of the Conspiracy story as the conspirators face off against the Time Trapper. Kathooms abound, art is gushed over, kids are indoctrinated into reading the Legion, and we get to hang out with our friends and talk Legion, and isn’t that what it’s really all about?
400 weeks of Legion love and we could not be happier to have some of the best listeners out there spreading the Legion love.
Thank you all for being there through our shenanigans as we discuss the Legion, Barbecued Fish Sticks, Our Lives, Squirrel Attacks, and the Many, Many Kathooms. *take a drink*
So thanks from us to you, we couldn’t do it without your input, support, and love. #thesubs
Episode 399 – Starstruck: Turn Turn Turn
The title was MEANT to be Starstruck, but even on the second take, Paul STILL said Star Truck! Then Darren doesn’t introduce himself… Well, the opening is a bit of a disaster, but think of it as the broken Multi-Lab from which one of the biggest climaxes in Legion history occurs… Legionnaires throwing stones in glass houses, and the return of an ally thought dead! It gets much better!