Paul takes a look at New Adventures of Superboy issue 11, wherein Superboy gets a new power, courtesy of Lex Luthor, and Superboy grants some wishes. All this and a surprise guest!
Month: October 2016
Episode 419 – We Now Return You to Your Magic War, Already in Progress
Darren and Paul dig back into the Magic Wars, and bear witness to the final (?) fate of Mon-El. Also a look at Legion News, in which Mon-El wakes up, and Saturn Girl has a new home, as well as a great Stump the Subs from Omega2550.
Episode 418 – The Superboy Chronicles: The Town that Time Remembered
Paul takes a look at New Adventures of Superboy 10, where Superboy travels far into the future, and finds that Smallville hasn’t changed a bit! Also, Krypto gets a secret identity!
Episode 417 – The Superboy Chronicles: Clark Kent Must Die!
It’s Canadian Thanksgiving, and Pride Week in Atlanta. That means it’s time for a Superboy 2-Parter from 1980. What happens when the Kents forget that Clark is Superboy? Listen and find out!
Episode 416 – The Magic Wars Part 1 – When Magic Shall Return
The Legion have a new leader, just in time for the universe to go crazy again! It’s the last arc of the Baxter Run, as magic starts going crazy.