Tomorrow’s Heroes Today Episode 21 – Big Trouble in Little Metropolis

With Tony Bedard joining the writing team, the Legion discovers just how much Lightning Lad has sold them out to United Planets interests.  Supergirl ingratiates herself on the Legion as giants from Big City go on a planet-wide scavenger hunt.  Brainiac 5’s plan to revive Dream Girl picks up speed.  Element Lad and Star Boy show that they are not halfwits, after all.  And an out of sorts Cosmic Boy wonders if he’s falling in love.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 19 – Who’s the Boss?

The triptych covers are complete.  Move over Brainiac 5 and Cosmic Boy as Supergirl comes out on top?!  This week the focus is Legion of Super-heroes volume 5, issue 18.  The podcasters from the future are joined by Adam Crouch from the Legion Outpost podcast.  Adam discusses original art he purchased from this very issue.  Oh yes, and the Legion fight more robots.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 18 – Strange Visitor From Another Century.

The Legion battle more robots as they work in a not at all effective partnership with the UP science police.  A legionnaire infiltrates the SP and Supergirl is invited to join the Legion.  Lightning Lass is unimpressed as Kara Zor-El is embraced by Invisible Kid and others in the team.  Brainiac 5 comes up with an interesting if somewhat morbid solution to there not being enough Legion rings to provide one to this newest member.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 17 – 1001 Years Later

Derek has been busy reading Infinite Crisis in preparation for this episode.  Brent links in “52”.  As Alexander Luthor’s multiversal petridish explodes it thrusts young Kara Zor-el 1001 years into the future.

With a time jump and a new title, Supergirl and the Legion of Super-heroes burst onto the Metropolis scene.  Only problem is while they remember her from history, she thinks it is all a dream.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today Episode 16 – In Ancient Times

Special guest Mo Walker joins Derek and Brent as they and some Legion teens explore the notion of Crisis. 

A mysterious stranger lurks among the teens and has a very strong resemblance to a few past LSH characters.  The teens recount a story of the silver age LSH meeting Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan and Alan Scott and the Flashes, Jay Garrick and Barry Allen. 

In a second story the Secret Society of Super Villains meet Karate Kid and the LSH.  Finally the Crisis on Infinite Earths hits and Sensor Girls and Quislet among others interfere with the Anti Monitor’s cosmic cannon.  None of this happened you say?  Hmm … perhaps not. 

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today Episode 15 – So Far So Good

The kids grow up a bit as the UP invite them into a partnership.  Atom Girl settles the score with Invisible Kid and invites him for a drink!  Lightning Lad assumes the leadership of the Legion.  Brainy, Cos and Sun Boy are all off the table.  Reflecto makes an appearance, but perhaps not a Reflecto we have seen before.  Amanda Conner continues to draw the letter column with lots of chuckles provided by her and Mark Waid.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today Episode 14 – We Won the War!

Cosmic Boy, Brainiac 5 and … Sun Boy defeat the elusive Praetor Lemnos and his hoards of agents of Terra Firma.  Parallels are drawn between these Otherspace  grandchildren of criminals and Derek and Brent’s own convict history in Terra Australis.  As the issue closes Brainiac 5, like Mr Freeze before him, visits his love in a cryotube as he  continues to search for a way to save Dream Girl. We also discuss a series of flashbacks appearing in a backup story where Nura gets serious foreboding of her own demise.  The comical Legion Outpost letter column returns and is drawn by guest artist, Amanda Conner!

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today Episode 13 – Versus Terra Firma!

The Threeboot keeps getting wilder as total war against Terra Firma is about to break out.  Lightning lad and Saturn Girl almost kiss.  Projectra and Brin Londo do kiss.  The public service becomes Legion Channel One.  Karate Kid observes “You can lead a Rimborian to water, but you can’t make him think!”   And look out Elysian, it’s Atom Girl “bursting” onto the scene.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today Episode 12 – It’s Just Comics!

Brent and Derek deal with the aftermath of Elysian’s attack on Legion headquarters.  Saturn Girl has no thoughts on the matters at hand and Brainy’s are just not smart enough.  

Sno Cone, the colourist, breaks loose exploring the United Planets in this issue.  Trippy Ttrxl is both a maths teacher’s and a surrealist’s dreamscape.  Dormir is a planet of lightburst inklings, notions and cloudy, yet firm, concepts.  It is also the home of the Public Service neural network controlling the teenagers of the 31st century UP.  Otherspace is a marshalling point for an upcoming invasion.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today Episode 11 – Power Trip!

Derek is back.  He and Brent discuss the Threeboot Legion’s appearance in JSA Classified #1 and #2 as part of Power Girl’s Power Trip storyline by Johns, Conner and Palmiotti.  Was Power Girl once a Legionnaire?  Is she Superman’s cousin?   Why have the Legion founders come back to the 21st Century? Who is Andromeda?  Is Praetor Lemnos the shadowy figure in the background?   All will be revealed … eventually.