Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 40 – Epilogue

Derek finds Cosmic Boy but the Legion don’t.  We wrap up the Supegirl and … era of the Threeboot Legion of Super-heroes as Kara uncovers the true purpose of Brainiac 5’s “Quest for Cosmic Boy”.  Imra takes centre stage in Querl’s dream and reconnects with Nura Nal. We get to see dream Dream Girl’s fighting prowess as she socks Querl in the face for all his manipulations.  One of the Legionnaires leaves and a new leader is elected.  Guess who departs…

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 35 – The Quest for Cosmic Boy

A bold new direction as Tony Bedard takes over the writing duties. The Legionnaires have lost their longtime leader, Cosmic Boy – but was he captured by enemies or did he flee responsibility for his “war crime”? The Legion’s newly elected leader makes a hard decision on her first day on the job and sends out teams of Legionnaires in search of Cosmic Boy.

Will they be prepared for what they find?

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 33 –  The Threeboot vs The Retroboot

We have a look (from a fan’s perspective) at what was happening with the Legion in 2007.  While Supergirl and the Threeboot Legion were busy fighting robots and Dominators…. strange things were happening in the 21st Century.  A Legionnaire joins the JSA.  A woman in a silver suit is chained up in Arkham Asylum.  A new female flying character is introduced on Thanagar.  A feral man races against apes in Gorilla City.  A kick-ass fighting Trident is unmasked.  Computo takes his first victim … or does he?  

What is going on?!  Waid and Kitson may have been asking the same question.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 32 – The End is Only the Beginning!

All good things must come to an end. Waid and Kitson’s final issue together on the Legion. The Dominator story comes to a dramatic conclusion and a Legionnaire (or is that a Wanderer?) is lost. Your podcasters from the future discuss the contributions Waid and Kitson made to the Legion, Waid’s thoughts on making his Legion accessible and what Waid created next.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 31 – Extinction Event!

The podcasters from the future are joined by a mystery guest who is very, very familiar.  Is it Gim? Gym? Gym’ll? Jim-El? J’im-el?  No! It’s Jim Purcell! Listen to find out as a thousand years from now, two teams of interstellar savages invade the glorious capital of the Dominator Empire.  It is the latest in a long list of crimes committed by the human carbonforms of Earth against the mighty Dominators.  The only sane response is clear: once and for all, these interstellar freaks of nature must be exterminated.

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 27 – … The Wanderers!

So many names to keep track of as another group of 31st century characters make themselves known.  The drinking game gets a workout as we meet Thoom, Supergirl and Mon-El crash through lots of walls, time is spent is Brainy’s shadowy lab, we get two reimagined Legion siblings and the credits page is invaded by a slew of unfamiliar silhouettes and a new slogan – “It’s time to show the Legion of Super-heroes who’s boss.”

Tomorrow’s Heroes Today – Episode 26 – From Out of the Phantom Zone!

Your podcasters from the future bring you an episode with yet another hero from the past.  To free him from the Phantom Zone, the legionnaires devise a plan involving the psychic merging of two legionnaires to create someone we’re calling Tymra.