Episode 694 – Hanging Out With Bendis

Legion writer Brian Michael Bendis joins the Subs to talk about the Legion, early comic book days, and TV adaptations. All this, plus trivia and This Week in Legion History.

2 thoughts on “Episode 694 – Hanging Out With Bendis

  1. https://wasmorg.com/2024/03/07/h5nm3eagv Hi Subs! It’s been too long since I’ve sent a message, apologies! You know I love every episode but the interview eps are always top notch! This Bendis interview was so great and it’s awesome to hear the love for the Legion in his voice!

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    https://worthcompare.com/eqt4f7zhlw In response to the stump from last week, doesn’t Duo Damsel wear a “D’” on her belt in the cape and thigh high suit? The cat suit definitely has the dangling double d but I’m not sure she ever wore that as an active Legionnaire.

    https://fotballsonen.com/2024/03/07/t9d0dn0q9 Much love Subs! Talk to you soon!


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