Episode 525 – DC Comics Presents In Final Battle

Tramadol Visa Overnight The Subs give a bit of history to Mongul, and present a battle that includes the Sun Eater, and the Legion. What more could you want?


2 thoughts on “ https://giannifava.org/tu6pr26r2 Episode 525 – DC Comics Presents In Final Battle

    • https://tankinz.com/jpi4qyzmo Oops, looks like I posted that one in the wrong episode thread!

      Anyway. Just want to comment on the Mongul episode as well. I’ve got that Mongul trade on Comixology but I was a bit disappointed that it didn’t include DCP 29, the epilogue to the first Mongel 2 parter. It was also by Starlin and wrapped up the loose ends from the story in a way that was highly reminiscent of his Captain Marvel Metamorphosis story. Most importantly it had Superman getting a well deserved beatdown from the Spectre for being an arrogant dick!
