Episode 579 – Legion of Super Heroes #1: It’s Bendis Time!

After 6 long years, there is a new Legion of Super Heroes ongoing series. In this episode the Subs dig deep into the issue, looking at what they liked, what they didn’t as well as speculating where things are going. It’s good to be back!

2 thoughts on “Episode 579 – Legion of Super Heroes #1: It’s Bendis Time!

  1. Hi guys! I was really happy you enjoyed the new Legion #1. I read it several times myself. I don’t have much problem with Bendis, probably because I haven’t read much of his other stuff. But I felt it was fun and I think by already being a fan of the Legion, I have patience for learning new characters and what they do. I would instruct new readers to read some old stuff if they really want to know a bit about what they may be like in the new. Assuming they are going to be close to the same. I was pretty excited a few of my favs were shown doing at least a bit in the first issue, Karate Kid, Bouncing Boy, and Wildfire. Right now, Legion is the only new comic i’m getting and looking forward to the next issue. If the goal was for me to buy it, then mssion accomplished!

  2. Hi all.
    I’ve been falling behind on my responses so I figure I should catch up before issue 2 hits my Comixology inbox.
    I think I can sum up my feelings about issue 1 fairly simply:
    If I bought this in a couple of years time as part of a collected edition for £2.99 in a Comixology sale, then I’d have enjoyed it.
    Buying it as a single issue for full price? Bit too lightweight. Too many double page spreads. I’ll forgive it though as long as we don’t get so many in every issue.
    On the plus side, my usual Bendis complaint – very sloppy on continuity and established characterisation – doesn’t apply as it’s a brand new Legion. So that’s okay.
    But there wasn’t anything significantly wrong with it so I’ve gritted my teeth over the cost and subscribed. I don’t want to be blamed if it gets cancelled! 🙂

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