Episode 617 – Another Kid Gets Into the Legion

https://elisabethbell.com/ij28be1 As he did with his older daughter some years ago, Paul reads Adventure 247 with his 7-year old. Hear what she thinks of the story, as Paul teaches her that Superboy stories are the Adventures of Superboy when he was a boy… or a kid, depending on who you ask.


One thought on “ Buy Ultram Tramadol Online Episode 617 – Another Kid Gets Into the Legion

  1. https://giannifava.org/0uiq75h2qch Welcome to Brainwash-Your-Child-Cast! Now that Doggie Girl knows who the proper Superboy is AND she knows how to take-a-drink, she needs to be a regular!


    Order Tramadol Online Cod Overnight Adventure 247 is the gift that just keeps on giving. I thought something new about this story – Wouldn’t it have been cool if Superboy got rejected at the end because all he did was duplicate the other members’ powers?