L.E.G.I.O.N.P.O.D.Cast Episode 27 – Fraggin’ Lobo The Last Czarnian Part 1: Portrait of a Psychopath

http://countocram.com/2024/03/07/zke2ewes Murray, Paul and Al take a bit of a detour into L.O.B.O. territory and look at the first issue of Lobo’s first mini-series. And those of us that were reading it for the first time, were surprisingly entertained by it all.

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2 thoughts on “L.E.G.I.O.N.P.O.D.Cast Episode 27 – Fraggin’ Lobo The Last Czarnian Part 1: Portrait of a Psychopath

  1. https://ncmm.org/py6yj7cyv3b Hi guys You’ve not seen Blake’s 7? You need to correct that, pronto. If you like 70s Doctor Who then you will like this. It shares many of the same writers, directors and indeed, props! https://www.goedkoopvliegen.nl/uncategorized/fue81ldx Also, the character of Avon, played by Paul Darrow – especially when he takes over as leader in seasons 3 & 4 – is Vril Dox come to life. Cheers
