Episode 577 – 5YL Part 19: Looks Like the Dark Circle, Smells Like the Dark Circle, You’ve Got Yourself a Dark Circle!

The Subs are joined by Senior Future Correspondent Derek Binns for Legion Vol 4, number 18. The war is over, now let us do something relaxing, like, I dunno… stare at the moon…

2 thoughts on “Episode 577 – 5YL Part 19: Looks Like the Dark Circle, Smells Like the Dark Circle, You’ve Got Yourself a Dark Circle!

  1. I do often ask myself why the intellectual reasoning elite of DC Editorial would interfere so much in this series when I KNOW in the depths of my SOUL that this series of Legion is the best ever!

    In my SOUL I know that that Dark Circle advert is the creepiest thing I’ve ever read this side of a Boris Johnson editorial/election promise. It’s so scary!

    Reasoning and intellect tells me that Bendis’ writing is going to annoy the heck out of me as it always does. But in the depths of my SOUL I know I have to do a Comixology subscription to Legion of Super-Heroes! (Sigh!)

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